Today, Rhonin’s school is closed, so he must spend the day at home with Mike. I have been thinking about them all day so far. It’s not only because I miss them and would rather be at home with them than at work. (Don’t worry, I’m on lunch!) I remember back when I was a Stay At Home Mom, and how challenging that can be. Of course, now that I’m a Working Mom, it has come with it’s own set of challenges. I can’t say that either one is ‘easier’, and on some days I prefer one while on others, I prefer the other!
I half jokingly said to Mike this morning that if I got a good job as a Biochemist after I graduate from Sonoma State, that he would be the stay-at-home parent. I think he’d make a great one, personally. He’s great with Jaren and Rhonin, and I trust he’ll be just as great with the twins when they get here.
It’s interesting how life changes and you can end up in a completely different situation so quickly. It’s not a bad thing, but it can sure take some getting used to!
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